
Cleaning Car Windows Without Streaks

A Step-by-Step Blueprint to Glistening Car Windows


Step 1: Start with the Inner Windows

Cleaning the insides of your windows is usually less complicated than the outside. Spray a bit of your car-specific glass cleaner onto a microfiber cloth. Avoid spraying directly onto the window – it could potentially harm the electronic controls on your door. Wipe the window using straight, overlapping strokes. Remember to attend to the corners and edges where dirt tends to accumulate. A cotton swab or a soft-bristle brush can help you reach tricky spots. Lastly, a final swipe with a dry microfiber cloth will rid your window of any lingering streaks.

Step 2: Focus on the Outer Windows

With the interiors shining, it’s time to address the exteriors. Start with a thorough rinse using a hose or a bucket of water. This removes loose dirt or debris and guards against potential scratches during cleaning. Spray your glass cleaner on one window at a time, and wipe with a microfiber cloth in straight, overlapping strokes from top to bottom. For larger windows, a squeegee can expedite the process and offer a more uniform finish. Ensure to rinse your cloth or squeegee regularly to prevent re-depositing dirt onto the windows.

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