Flying back from Cairo GA
Flying back from Cairo GA. I’d spent the last few hours getting a tour of my buddy George’s new apartment development. George is a real estate developer who builds affordable housing units south of Georgia. Flight here was pretty smooth and we expect the same going back. We do have some headwind ahead so the flight time on this trip will be about 90 minutes compared to 50 minutes coming in. Here was our flight to Cairo
We are departing at sunset and we will fly into the night. Hope you enjoy the video.
Sling TSi Specs
– Rotax 915 140 hp engine
– Dual G3x + G5 Backup + GTN 650 + GMC 507 Autopilot
– Range: up to 1000 miles
– Climb rate: 1200 fpm
– Speed: 170 mph
– Fuel: 7 gph
– Build Price + Training: $325,000
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