Diamond DA20. A Great Trainer For Pilots
Some of you may already know that I trained and received my private pilot license in a Diamond DA40. Today’s review is on the little brother of the DA40. I’d always seen this airplane around and always wondered how it flies. It looks just as sleek, but is it faster, more nibble? well last week I found out.
The DA20 is powered by a Continental 125HP engine. You have some early models that uses a 80 HP rotax engine, but the airplane generally looks and handles the same. Just the high power model airplanes perform better on the climb and in cruise. The DA20 airplane I flew had the continental 125 Horse power engine.
Due to the passing storms and just rainy weather, it’s been quite challenging to schedule any flights. On this day though the heavens graced us with some nice sunny weather. This flight took place at a local airport in Georgia. Upon getting to the flight school that owned and operated the airplane, I was hit with the familiar wait-it-out policy. I had to wait an additional hour and half before we were able to go up.
Seeing the airplane up close though, my first impressions were; very nice and sporty looking, but man those wings looks just like a DA40. Long like a glider. And then once you step into the cockpit, more of the similarities start to show. The seating are for 2, you can carry up to 400 pounds of people side by side. And those bucket seats will tuck you in real nice. The rudder pedals are also adjustable just like in the DA40. This is nice for those taller individuals.Moving on tot the center console, you have your air filter knob, a power knob and a mixture knob. This airplane has a fixed pitch propeller so there is no need to have a propeller knob in the cockpit to change your blade angle.
The Flight:
The actual flight of was non eventful. A lot of things felt familiar in the DA20, similar center stick and similar feel to the rudder pedals and breaks. We had some crosswind but on take off, the airplane was airborne in no time and we climbed up to about 3000 ft in minutes. It was a very hot day but the temperature was much cooler once you get up there. Only downside of the DA20 is that it had a steam gauge panel. Once you go glass you almost don’t want to go back. That was my experience.
Another downside of the DA20 for those who maybe looking to purchase this plane a s a trainer or personal airplane, is that you can never use it for IFR flights. By Design, the wings on the airplane doesn’t have the copper mesh to resist a lighting strike, so the airplane can only be flown in VFR conditions.
You can find a used Rotax engine DA20 in the market today for as low as $49,000.