I’m Selling The Only Sling NGT Airplane In The US

Buy this Sling NGT aircraft https://www.aeroavion.com/listing/2020-sling-ngt-in-prestine-condition
Contact mike@lookupaviation.com for any questions.

The Sling NGT is a 2 seater modern light sport aircraft that is built primarily for training.
This is the perfect training and personal aircraft. With a state of the art Garmin suite, this airplane is fully equipped to handle IFR missions. Although you are restricted from flying in actual instrument conditions, the Sling NGT is a great plane to train for it.

– Fly it for training; sport pilot, private pilot, instrument, and commercial
– Fly it for time building. The Sling NGT cruises at a respectable 110 knots
– Fly it for cross country missions

Cost to value:
The Sling NGT will cost you a fraction of what you would pay for a less performing legacy 4-seater. This aircraft is also very affordable to insure and operate. In cruise, you would only burn 4-g gallons of fuel per hour

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