I May Have Scared Her Away From Flying
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Our first family trip to South Carolina had some interesting events. On the flight back home it was already late in the day and much warmer so you expect some bumps in flight. As a pilot, you’re used to it and can control your emotions. Your passenger on the other hand may require some management and words of affirmation.
My wife hadn’t flown in a small aircraft in a while, so flying for the first time today definitely took some strength. The bumps in the air scared her a bit but she handled it like a champ. Baby girl on the other hand chilled through the entire flight like it was nothing. She even fell asleep both ways.
Hope you enjoyed the flight! Subscribe for more.
My Airplane Specs
– 2021 Sling TSi
– Rotax 915 (141 hp engine)
– Range: up to 1000 miles
– Climb rate: 1200 fpm
– Speed: 170 mph
– Fuel: 8 gph
– Dual G3x + G5 Backup + GTN 650 + GMC 507 Autopilot
– Build Price + Training: $325,000
Buy one at LookUp Aviation https://www.lookupaviation.com
Start your aviation journey here https://pilotarm.com/aviator-signup/
Manage your aircraft with COFLYT https://coflyt.com/mojogrip
My Merch https://www.bonfire.com/store/mojogrip/