The Mojosling is ready for the inspection. We just need to improve the cosmetics of the plane like the tail number. We list out the must do’s before the actual inspection and stayed up all night creating a log on what we worked on the Mojosling. Check out the video to know how we fixed the plane to meet the FAA requirements.
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Sling TSi Specs:
Engine: Rotax 915 iS
Climb rate: 800 -1000 feet per minute, both on a low elevation and high elevation field.
This airplane also climbs post 500 feet a minute at higher altitudes.
Speed: Takeoff was at 60 knots, we climbed between 75 and 90 knots. Below 8000 feet, between 140-160 miles per hour. Above 8000 feet, between 175-200 miles per hour.
Fuel burn: Between 7 and 10 gallons per hour.
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