From Model Airplanes To Building Real Life Airplane Engines – Viking Engines Jan Eggenfellner
Big thank you to Jan Eggenfellner and Alissa Daniel for taking the time to do this interview. Some of you are already familiar with Viking Aircraft Engines, and some of you are not. Viking engine was founded by aviator Jan. These engines are experimental and solely for use in experimental airplanes. Viking engines are car engines converted to aircraft engines.
Viking generally use Honda engines for most of their engine models, but recently they are introducing a new 90HP power plant which is a conversion from Mitsubishi engine.
Jan Eggenfellner himself is an engineer from Norway, where his true passion for airplanes started as little boy. He used to build model airplanes and hang them in his room. He went on to get his Pilot’s license after he moved to the united States as an exchange student. Went all the way to commercial license, and got his A&P mechanical certification. But Jan finally decided to settle in the airplane experimental world because that’s why his true passion lies. Building and flying your own airplane is every pilot’s dream, If I’m speaking for myself and a few pilot friends I know.
I wanted you guys to get know Jan a bit form this interview. It’s always great to know our products but I think it’s more important to know the people behind the products we buy and use. My first impression of Jan was a man, an aviator who wants to add value to the aviation community and is working round the clock to do so. Viking engine operation is family run so it’s all hands on Deck.
Viking Aircraft Engines