Years ago when I used to dream about flying airplanes. I would watch endless videos of the Sportcruiser on Youtube, so flying it on this day was pretty surreal. Flying the latest model for that matter. Here is my first flight and first impressions of the airplane.
I’ve already done some coverage on the Sportcruiser. Here are some of my initial videos on this beautiful light sport aircraft:
Now, first flight impressions:
– Cabin width: As you’ll see in the video, 2 grown men sitting side by side, and we had more than enough should room, the cabin didn’t feel cramped or claustrophobic. There was also some good head room space after the bubble canopy was closed.
– Bubble canopy: I didn’t discuss this much in the video, but bubble canopies are notorious for raising the cabin temperature especially during the summer, Also you’ve got the sun constantly in your face in some cases. But as you see in this video we had the shade cover during the entire flight. Which made me forgetful that I was sitting in a bubble canopy. The heat and the sun ray was non existent. Those shades really do work.
– Runup and takeoff: The sunup in the rotax 912 engine was pretty standard and familiar, took about 5 minutes to test all of our engine parameters and get going. The airplane took off in a pretty short distance, and on our climb out, I saw between 800ft and 1000ft per minute. Also we did have some crosswind on this day and I thought the airplane handled it very well.
– Flight characteristics: I took over the controls of the airplane after we climbed up to altitude, did some turns and level flights, and the airplane was nice and gentle with each control input. The stick does precisely what you tell it, and on my narrow turns, the airplane remained level without much need of rudder input.
– Avionics: The model sportcruiser I flew was equipped with a Dynon skivvies glass panel. This was my second time flying behind a Dynon skyview, and I have to say that I’m falling in love just a little bit. The colors on the screen were amazingly sharp. And I like the practical side of this panel. You are able to fit so much information right on your primary display.
All in all I thoroughly enjoyed my demo flight in the Sportcruiser. For anyone looking to get into LSA to buy, rent or train in, I highly recommend that you checkout the Sportcruiser
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