Flying The Cirrus Personal Jet Was Quite The Thrill

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It’s been storming out here in the South east so not much flying for us piston engine aircraft pilots. But what aircraft do you need to fly above the storm? A jet. Today I got the opportunity to fly in the beautiful Cirrus Vision Jet.

The Vision jet aka SF50 is a very unique bird and it stands alone in its class. Considered a very light jet and Being a single engine passenger jet. The Cirrus jet will sit up to seven people comfortably. The last 2 passenger seats are more for children though. The jet has a very large cabin compared to what you see on the outside.
Cirrus jet will fly you up to 1270 nautical miles and you have a pass up to 31,000 ft.

Cirrus jet will cruise up to 305 kts indicated. On this flight I saw speeds up to 276 knots flying at 23,000 ft. And we burned roughly 75 gallons of fuel per hour. climb performance is not the best in this jet as I saw only up to 1600 feet per minute at altitude.

The model jet we flew was a gen 2 model which provides better range and a more quiet cabin. A fully loaded model jet like this will run you about $3.2 million. A used gen 1 model can be bought for about half the price.

My Airplane Specs
– 2021 Sling TSi
– Rotax 915 (141 hp engine)
– Range: up to 1000 miles
– Climb rate: 1200 fpm
– Speed: 170 mph
– Fuel: 8 gph

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