Flying IFR In Experimental Airplane – Sling TSi
This was a flight video a few days before Oshkosh. I had some work done on my plane prior to flying the distance to Osh, so this was really a test flight and a learning instrument flying at the same time. If you can tell, we flew in pretty cloudy weather.
I had my CFI Karlston with me to teach me some VOR flying and stabilizing the airplane in altitude and heading. We flew to a neighboring airport in Covington and the flight was fairly smooth.
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My Airplane Specs
– 2021 Sling TSi
– Rotax 915 (141 hp engine)
– Range: up to 1000 miles
– Climb rate: 1200 fpm
– Speed: 170 mph
– Fuel: 8 gph
– Dual G3x + G5 Backup + GTN 650 + GMC 507 Autopilot
– Build Price + Training: $325,000
Buy one at LookUp Aviation
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