Flying 1000 Miles To Oshkosh In Bad Weather
For years I’ve gone to Oshkosh EAA #Airventure. The largest airshow in the world. The very first time I came to Oshkosh, I drove 1000 miles across several states, I’ve walked, taken the bus and or uber to the even. Today was the very first time I flew my own airplane in and touched down at the worlds biggest #airshow. I’m so excited and I’m ready to #binge on #airplanes on week long.
In the previous flight video, we’d taken a short stop at Putnam airport in Indiana. Took a bathroom break and got something to fill our bellies. In this video we fly the last leg to Oshkosh. It was still complete IFR conditions flying out of Putnam. A great learning experience for me as a student obtaining my instrument rating.
My Airplane Specs
– 2021 Sling TSi
– Rotax 915 (141 hp engine)
– Range: up to 1000 miles
– Climb rate: 1200 fpm
– Speed: 170 mph
– Fuel: 8 gph
– Dual G3x + G5 Backup + GTN 650 + GMC 507 Autopilot
– Build Price + Training: $325,000
Buy one at LookUp Aviation
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