This Cessna 414 was a game changer in 1975. It appealed to a lot of twin-engine plane owners who wanted a pressurized cabin. This plane is perfect when you want to transport many people fast. The Cessna 414 has got to be one of the best-looking aircraft Ever. I absolutely love the nose design and circular windows of this bird.
Cessna produced the 414 with two Continental 310 HP engines mounted on each wing. It can carry up to 10 people and can store a lot of baggage in the nose. This aircraft is also single pilot operated, so you don’t need two people to fly it. Here are some quick specs on the Cessna 414 Chancellor.
Cessna 414
Capacity: 10 people
Engine: Continental 310 HP (Twin-Engine)
Range: 750 miles
Speed: 200mph
Price: $300,000- $600,000
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