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Aventura Ultralight Airplane Kit Starting At $25,000

Today we check out Aero Adventure kit Seaplanes. If you follow experimental aviation, you probably know of the Aventura amphibian kit planes. These are experimental aircrafts that you buy the kit and build on your own. Although Aero Adventure does offer a build assist program to customers. You may not need it though since these plane kits can be built in 300 hours or less.

Operations at Aero Adventure is owned by aviator and Pilot Alex Rolinski. The company, designs and kits have been around for 25 years. Alex bought the company a couple of years ago during the recession. As he put it; I really didn’t want the aircraft to go away. And he has boosted up operations since assuming ownership.

The Aventura series aircraft can be built in different models. You have a single seater ultralight model with a starting price of $25,000 (this includes the engine), and HP model, also a single seater. And then you have the real airplane for 2, the Aventura II, which is the built model shown in the video. As shown, the Aventura II is equipped with an Aeromomentum Suzuki 117 hp engine. This propels the airplane to climb at 1200 feet a minute and cruise around 70-80 miler per hour. This particular aircraft is fully equipped and the Price as shown is $100,000.


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